Effective Stormwater Management and Drainage

Effective Stormwater Management and Drainage

Stormwater management is the effort to reduce runoff of rainwater or melted snow into streets, lawns, and other sites. Many townships such as Princeton, Pennington, Titusville, and surrounding areas require a stormwater management system to retain water on your property. When stormwater is absorbed into the soil, it is filtered and ultimately flows into streams and rivers. However, when heavy rainwater hits, the ground saturated by water creates excess moisture that runs across the surface and into storm sewers and road ditches. This water often carries debris, chemicals, bacteria, eroded soil, and other pollutants and carries them into the natural bodies of water. 

Why You Need a Drainage and Stormwater Management Plan

In urban and developed areas, impervious surfaces such as pavement and roofs prevent precipitation from naturally soaking into the ground. Instead, water runs rapidly into storm drains, sewer systems, and drainage ditches and can cause flooding, erosion, muddiness, storm, and sewer overflow and can cause infrastructure damage. Detaining stormwater and removing pollutants is the primary purpose of stormwater management. Pervious Surfaces that are porous and allow rainfall and snowmelt to soak into the soil, Gray infrastructure, such as culverts, gutters, storm sewers, conventional piped drainage, and Blue/Green infrastructure that protect, restore, or mimic the natural water cycle, all play a part in stormwater management. 

Providing Successful Plans For Our Customers

Successful implementation and management of a stormwater program demand a clear understanding of permits and requirements needed for your property and your township. Let us help you preserve your property. For estimates and custom stormwater management systems for your home, call us at 609-403-6270.

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